Western Service at China Rates! Same Low Rate for All
Services! |
only £195/day! |
Inspection & Audit
Rates |
charge for ground
transportation! |
to a 50% longer 12hr work-day!* |
Standard £195 Base-Rate
+all ground transportation,
door-to-door +up
to a 12 hour work-day
(inspect+travel+report)* +detailed report with inspector's written
comments +plentiful digital photos with annotation and
highlights +written corrective action instructions to your
supplier (request) +digital or fax'd inspection approval certificate
to seller
(request) |
*Notes: CRL maintains a very
low, highly discounted £195/day
inspection fee base-rate and most CRL-serviced
locations are charged at this base-rate. Uniquely,
CRL allots without surcharge, up
to 12 inspector hours per inspection
assignment for inspection/audit completion,
roundtrip travel, and report generation.
CRL, Protecting You! 020 7653 9783
Professional Quality Control
Inspectors & Factory Auditors-Servicing China
Consumer & Industrial Goods, Raw
Materials |
| | | |